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Family Mediation Week (27th Jan - 31st Jan 2025)

A photo of Judith Wheeler
27th January 2025

Family Mediation Week aims to raise awareness of family mediation and the benefits it can bring to separating families. Mediation is just one of the alternative options to attending Court and we encourage separating couples to think about family mediation as a way of helping them take control, make decisions together and build a positive future for their family in parallel to receiving legal advice from their family solicitor.

Family solicitors and mediators regularly collaborate to allow couples to confidently achieve consensus about important legal issues at their pace and without the constraints and costs associated with involving the Court.

The Family Mediation Council have organised a number of FREE webinars which will help you find out more about mediation. Check out their full timetable of events here

We have also highlighted below the ones that will be most useful to you if you are considering mediation with your ex-partner. 

The Benefits of Attending a MIAM

Is it possible to mediate with a narcissist?

What is child inclusive mediation 

The flexibility and power of mediation 

Of course, there are several other Non-Court Dispute Resolution (NCDR) options available to you as well as Mediation, including Collaborative Divorce and Arbitration. Read about the other options here.

For advice about mediation or other forms of NCDR and how we can work with you, please contact a member of our family team at either of our Leamington (01926 887700) or Hinckley (01455 610747) offices.

Our blogs and articles are not meant to serve as legal advice for any specific issue. The author assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the content or any consequences that may arise from relying on it.